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Cost & Reports - settings
  • Sales report per page: The paging option for sales reports. Recommended to set this high when aggregated values is based per page.
  • Sales report CSV rows: Set the number of order rows you max want to download. When downloading products the row count can be i.e 10x off this value.
  • Good profit percent(above): This option sets a light green background colour in sales reports where profit is i.e 60% or more. Set the % in number that fits your store.
  • Bad profit percent(below): This option sets a light red background colour in sales reports where profit is i.e 10% or less. Set the % in number that fits your store.
  • Refresh reports on new orders: Check this option if you want to update the reports automatically when new orders arrive.
  • Show Role: Check this option if you want to show the customers role in the orders table
  • Show Company: Check this option if you want to show the company in the orders and customers table
  • Show Weight: Check this option if you want to show weight in the products table 
  • Use Date Modified: By default we use date created to get order reports, if you like to use date modified instead, check this.

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