Bulk Shop, now with integration

We have now released a new version of Bulk Shop for WooCommerce. This version can integrate with other extensions. That means it can be used easy in a wholesaler or retailer solution. Often in these solutions one have a wholesaler price that one want the customers with a wholesaler role to see and not regular customers.

Set up the integration

Inside the Bulk Shop shortcode generator

When you generate shortcodes for Bulk Shop you will now find two new options for custom price and roles. This is what you have to do to make it work in your wholesaler or retailer solution.

  • Add the i.e _wholesaler_price (get this value from your plugin vendor or export your product, look for _price and find that price field for that plugin/vendor and add that to custom price)
  • Add the roles you want to see this custom wholesaler price.  Hold down the ctrl or cmd key to select more than one role.
  • When all options are set, click create shortcode and then copy the shortcode and paste it in your page(s).

That’s it, please read the documentation and visit the product page to see what Bulk Shop can do for your WooCommerce shop.

Black Friday Sale
