Enhancing WooCommerce Efficiency with Bulk Table Editor: Attributes & Custom Fields

Understanding Product Attributes

Product attributes are essential components in WooCommerce, allowing you to define specific characteristics of your products. Attributes like color, size, and material help organize products, making it easier for customers to filter and find what they need. For example, if you sell clothing, attributes might include sizes (S, M, L) and colors (red, blue, green).

Benefits for Shop Owners
  • Improved Organization: Attributes help categorize products effectively.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Customers can filter products based on their preferences.
  • SEO Advantages: Well-defined attributes improve search engine visibility.

Bulk Editing Attributes with Bulk Table Editor

Updating product attributes manually can be time-consuming, especially for large inventories. The Bulk Table Editor for WooCommerce simplifies this process, allowing you to manage attributes in bulk efficiently.

Key Features
  • Bulk Add: Add new attribute values to multiple products simultaneously.
  • Bulk Set: Overwrite existing attribute values.
  • Bulk Remove: Remove specific attribute values.
  • Bulk Clear: Clear all attribute values for selected products.

  • Time-Saving: Significantly reduces the time spent on manual updates.
  • Consistency: Ensures that product data is accurate and consistent across the store.

Exploring Custom Fields

Custom fields in WooCommerce allow you to add additional information to your products beyond the standard attributes. These fields are highly customizable and can include data such as supplier details, internal notes, or custom product specifications.

Examples of Custom Fields
  • Supplier Details: Capture information about the product’s supplier.
  • Internal Notes: Add notes for internal use, such as stock levels or special handling instructions.
  • Custom Specifications: Include unique product specifications that don’t fit standard attributes.

Benefits of Bulk Updating Custom Fields

Just like with attributes, manually updating custom fields for each product can be daunting. The Bulk Table Editor makes this task more manageable.

Key Features
  • Bulk Add and Update: Add or update up to five custom fields per product.
  • Flexible Customization: Tailor the fields to meet your specific needs.

  • Efficiency: Streamlines the process of updating custom fields, saving you valuable time.
  • Enhanced Data Management: Keeps product information up-to-date and comprehensive.

How to Use the Attributes & Custom Fields Tab

  1. Navigate to the Tab: Open the Bulk Table Editor and select the Attributes & Custom Fields tab.
  2. Filter and Search: Use the filters and search options to locate the products you want to update.
  3. Select Attributes/Custom Fields: Choose the attributes or custom fields you wish to modify.
  4. Choose Action: Select the appropriate bulk action (add, set, remove, clear).
  5. Save Changes: Ensure you save your changes. Only checked rows will be updated, allowing for selective edits.


The new Attributes & Custom Fields tab in the Bulk Table Editor for WooCommerce is a powerful tool for managing your store efficiently. By enabling bulk edits for product attributes and custom fields, it saves you time and ensures your product data is always accurate and up-to-date. Whether you’re a shop owner looking to streamline operations or a developer seeking enhanced customization options, this feature is designed to meet your needs. Update your Bulk Table Editor plugin today and experience the benefits firsthand.

Like to know more about the plugin, click here to see it on WooCommerce.com