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  3. Bulk Table Editor
  4. Settings
  5. General settings

General settings

To find the settings, go to: WooCommerce > Settings >  Bulk Table Editor

Bulk Table Editor has two sections, the first section is for general settings and the other is for setting up integrations with an other plugins. 

Bulk Table Editor - settings - general
Settings general

Use the options in settings

  • Products per page: Number of product rows in the table is used in the paging function, default 50 product rows.
  • Default product category: Select a category, will show the selected every time you enter plugin page, default is all products.
  • Show empty product categories: Check this if you want to show categories with 0 products in the select category in the editor.
  • Order by (categories): If you want a different category ordering in the select than the default (Menu order), select one that fits your store.
  • Query products by statuses: Default all statuses will be shown in the extension, if you need to filter out some, select the ones you want to see and save.
  • Order by: Set the order by e.g. Name (when query products)
  • Order: Set the order e.g. ASC (ascending order) or DESC (descending order)
  • Automatic stock management: If you want to turn off stock management i.e you do not use stock for some or all items but still want stock status to be in stock or whatever you have set. 
  • Disable autofocus: Select this option if you do not want autofocus when the mouse is over an input field i.e search.
  • Date selector format: Select the format you want for the date picker in the table. Your WordPress settings for date format will show before and after saving.
  • Autofocus on date selectors: If checked you the date selector will appear and the date input field will have focus.
  • Filter on sale by Query: If this is checked you will get a list of all your products on sale (no paging is done). This option is not recommended if you have many products. The default will use Javascript to filter this in the table for you.
  • SKU generator length: Default the SKU generator use 3 chars like this (product variation): Shirt, blue, large becomes: shi-blu-lar. Use this number option if you want i.e a SKU generated by something else i.e 5 chars(letters) or what you need for your SKUs.
  • SKU delimiter: Default SKU is created using – and creates SKUs like this: SHI-BLU-LAR, you can change – to . to make SKUs like this: SHI.BLU.LAR
  • Hide edit option: Created to enable you to let users edit prices but not access other product properties.
  • Hide range filter: Check this if you want to hide the range filter in editor home (tab)
  • Use Dark Mode: Enables Dark Mode style (darker colors) in Bulk Table Editor.

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