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Pick Order (tab)

Pick List for WooCommerce - pick order
Pick Order tab

The Pick Order tab

The Pick Order tab is where you initiate the order picking process. It can be accessed via the Orders tab by selecting an order for picking. Additionally, direct access is possible from the WooCommerce Order page or through the QR Code generated during the Pick List print. Let’s explore its features in detail:

Order Information (Left Side):

  • Order Details:
    • Begin by reviewing vital order information, including the order ID. Clicking this takes you directly to the Order Edit page.
    • View order priority, status, order date, products to be picked, and the total order amount.
    • Access shipping details such as addresses and chosen shipping method.
  • Assigned To:
    • Identify the assigned user (typically shop managers or administrators). If unassigned, you can easily select a user, and the selection is saved automatically.
  • Order Notes:
    • Access the last six notes for the order and add new notes as needed. Notes are automatically added upon completion, reset, or shipping of the order. “Completed” and “Shipped” statuses are added as customer notes.

Pick List:

  • The Pick List section features various action buttons, accompanied by a progress bar indicating your current pick progress in percentage.

Action Buttons and Their Functions:

  • Back:
    • Return to the Order tab to manage orders at a glance.
  • Shipped ? :
    • Upon clicking, the order is marked as shipped, and a customer note (“Your order is shipped”) is added. If you need to ship more than once (from vs 2.4.6) you can just click it again, a confirm dialog will show, confirming will add a new customer note: Your order is shipped. This is shipment #2 of your order. This note will also be shown in ‘my account’ on the order. In addition the Shipped button will get a counter showing x times the order is shipped.
  • Assign Me:
    • Assign yourself to the pick; available only if nobody is currently assigned to the order.
  • Manually enter barcodes button:
    • Click on the button to show the barcode input, when visible you can enter barcodes + enter to pick. (Button is only visible if you have barcodes on your products)
  • Scanner:
    • Shows (blinks) if barcode scan is ready. Only if barcodes is on products (set up in settings)
  • Barcode:
    • If this button is green it means that the barcode scanning is possible, when clicked (and green) the scanner icon will also show. It is important that this button is green if you want to scan barcodes. If button is not present, set up barcodes on products in settings.
  • Bulk Pick All:
    • Bulk complete the order, particularly useful when using printed Pick lists. Utilize the QR Code in the print to access the order pick directly.
  • Reset Pick:
    • Reset the pick, clearing all pick information, including assigned user details and shipping counts.
  • Print Packing Slip:
    • Print the Order Packing slip (further details in a separate section).
  • Print Pick List:
    • Print the Order Pick list (further details in a separate section).
  • Toggle Table and Grid View:
    • Enable either table or grid view to pick the order, based on your preference.

Table and Grid View:

  • Both views provide essential product details such as product image, name, SKU, price, quantity, and weight.
  • The table view also includes the product category or categories.
  • Each view offers two crucial buttons: “Pick” and “Undo.” If you commence picking and no one is assigned to the order, Pick List will automatically assign you.
  • NOTE: If you want to use Grid View, you need to include it in Pick List settings.

Pick List - grid view
Pick List – pick order, grid view

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