To find the settings, go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Roles & Rules B2B

Dynamic labels tab, (used for categories and products – quantity give X % discount) the options are:
- Dynamic price label: Write i.e: Buy %s to get (%s will set the variable quantity on your rule for category or product), if no text is written the default text will be used.
- Dynamic price label (%): Write i.e: , get %s%% discount (%s will set the variable discount on your rule for category or product – note %% will give the percent sign), if no text is written the default text will be used.
- Dynamic price label (fixed): Write i.e: get %s discount (%s will set the variable discount on your rule for category or product), if no text is written the default text will be used.
- Dynamic price label (fixed price): Write i.e: for %s (%s will set the price on your rule for category or product), if no text is written the default text will be used.
- Font size: Set the font size on price label (default uses H5 – HTML tag, and has the CSS class: rrb2b_qty_discount that can be used for further styling of fonts, color, margins, padding, background color and more)
- Font color: Set the font color (default the theme color i.e black) – click the input and select your colour.
- Background colour: Set the background color (default none) – click the input and select your colour.
- Font Size: Set the font size for the message, e.g.,
. (CSS class:.rrb2b_qty_discount
) - Font Color: Choose a font color using web colors or hex codes, e.g.,
. - Background Color: Set the background color for the label, e.g.,
. - Padding: Add padding around the message, e.g.,
10px 20px
for top, right, bottom, and left padding. - Border: Define a border for the label, e.g.,
1px solid #000
for thickness, style, and color. - Border Radius: Apply a border radius for rounded corners, e.g.,
for smooth edges. - Font Family: Specify a font family for the message, e.g.,
,Times New Roman
(quotes will be applied for font names with spaces). - Font Weight: Control the font weight, e.g.,
for normal,700
for bold. - Font Transform: Select if you want to change font to Uppercase, Lowercase or Capitalize the label.
- Disable dynamic price labels: If you do not use dynamic pricing and labels you can disable this for a minor performance benefit.
Remember to click the “Save changes” button.