Let us have a short recap for 2021. The year went fast, but during those 12 months we did manage to do a lot of communication with you, code a lot of new functionality and fix bugs. In addition we created and released a new WooCommerce extension: Bulk Category Editor. Let us have a look at what we did:
- We got a lot of new customers and most of our existing customers continue to use our extensions – thanks to you all.
- We did get many ideas and feedback for new features and changes for our extensions
- We released: Bulk Category Editor for WooCommerce
- Added a lot of improvements and new functionality since release
- We have had many important releases for all extensions
- We wrote some thousand lines of code (yes, true)
To our plugin users:
I just want to thank all of you who use our plugins, who come up with great ideas, suggestions for changes and otherwise get in touch with us. In addition, I would especially like to thank you who write product reviews (we also hope that more people will help us with this) – we really appreciate that.
Bulk Category Editor
This plugin was released in October 2021. The first versions included functions to bulk add, update and delete categories. It also included a way to set categories to products. Much has happened since then and now Bulk Category Editor is beginning to look like the product we wanted it to be, a plugin that adds value for your store when working with categories. The last addition to the extension is color coding on subcategories, sorting and a category filter to use in frontend. Thank you all for great feedback and good ideas so far (please continue).

Bulk Table Editor
For this popular plugin we have added several new features and fixes. Amongst the thing we added was to set and remove images on products and variation (including bulk functions). Other things:
- Start and end time for sales
- More options for generating SKU’s
- New functions for sales price (bulk)
- New filters (i.e on sale)
- Counter for products and variations
- Many fixes and improvements
For 2022 we have much in the pipeline for Bulk Table Editor, we will not say so much about this yet – but we think you will like it!

Roles & Rules B2B
We did a lot of improvements in Roles & Rules B2B, here we added better control for roles, registration form, bulk functions for rules, filters, tax and VAT fixes, dynamic pricing and more. When I looked at this now I see that Roles & Rules B2B is probably the extension that got most updates and changes in 2021. In short Roles & Rules help you to create discount rules for your customer roles including B2C. Not looked at it yet? Here you find it..

Cost & Reports & Bulk Shop
For Cost & Reports we did a lot of fixes and added some new functions. We added better reports, like you can now export your filtered table (orders). We made a function to check and adjust prices inc. VAT that automatically calculates ex. VAT price for you. An integration for Order Status Manager where made and a lot of fixes where done too.
For Bulk Shop we have done a lot of fixes and created functions to allow external category filters work – like Bulk Category Editor’s category filter. We added some hooks (code) to make developers interact with Bulk Shop (add to cart hooks). Several shortcode options where added and we have great feedback on this little extension. We have plans to do some mayor changes in admin for this – I hope we can do that in 2022.
So to round up, 2021 was a year full of exiting new functionality in our extensions and many fixes. We added a new extension: Bulk Category Editor that we believe can be a great tool for your WooCommerce store. For 2022 we have many plans for our extensions – that of course changes dynamically based on your feedback and requests. Thanks again, stay safe and have great day,
Tommy Hansen / CEO